Monday, January 3, 2011


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone out there! I can't believe that both holidays are over so quickly; kinda makes me sad really. I wait all year for that time of year to come and it's over as soon as you can say Santa. But I guess all good things must come to an end eventually right? I'm just happy that this year was really special.

Every two years my siblings come home for Christmas (every other year they go to their in-laws) and this year we had them! Now both of my siblings have two kids; my brother has two little girls and my sister has a little boy and girl. For the days leading up to Christmas my partens found this really nice little cabin up in the mountains for us to stay in. We had so much fun those days, we'd go to the sledding hills for some fun even though it was FREEZING! I didn't sled simply because the hill was really big and there were a lot of people trying to go down and I don't like having to deal with that. But I loved watching my little nieces and nephew go down, they were so proud of themselves!

Christmas morning came and went quickly, as it always does. As I've grown older I've come to realize that I don't really care about the presents as much as I used to. I mean I like to get something to open but I guess I really have everything I need. The months leading up to Christmas always find me telling my mom not to buy me something because I may want something else more later. Indecisiveness is one of my flaws.

Something that I hope I never see in my family is something that is increasingly becoming very common in many families across the world. Children opening a gift, not even caring who gave it to them or what it really is and they throw it over their shoulder so they can open another, repeating what they had just done. I want my children to really appreciate what they are given. I don't want them to have toys on Christmas that they don't even play with, that stay in the courner of the room totally forgotten. There are so many children around the world who could be playing with that forgotten toy, who would actually love it.
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So it's the new year. 2011. Is that even possible? Can it really be? My graduating year? What is this, I'm totally not old enough to be considered an adult. I can't believe that this time next year I'll be living a couple thousand miles away from my mommy and daddy. What am I going to do? That'll be ridiculous! Lucky for me, my sister lives in the same town as my college. Oh yeah, I got my acceptance to BYU-I. This is one excited girl right here.

New year means a fresh start. I wish that I could say I got a whole new look that I totally rocked at school today but...I didn't. I'm still the same girl. I don't like to make new years' resolutions. They just get forgotten or broken. I simply want to stay caught up on work and life. I don't like feeling so stressed out like I tend to do. Let's see how that goes haha.

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