Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Brad and Basketball

I touched BRAD PAISLEY! I'm so happy that I decided to splurge a little bit and bought that ticket. Such a good decision. Rachael and I had a blast in Utah this weekend, but the concert was probably our favorite part. At first we weren't too excited about our seats but when Brad came down the aisle by us we felt like we'd won the lottery.

Basically, we had really good seats.
Unfortunately, Rachael and I got lost countless times on our trip. Lucky for the pair of us, we were both pretty level headed about getting lost and figuring out where we were supposed to be.

We also got lucky enough to get a couple of tickets to the BYU/St. Mary's basketball game. So ridiculous. One, BYU wasn't sinking any shots. Two, the refs were really bad. By the end of the game fans were throwing things on the court and chanting "Worst refs ever," I was pretty embarrassed of the students.

Monday, January 23, 2012


Sunday has become my favorite day of the week this month. I seriously love those three hours more than I ever have before. It amazes me that I can have a horrible week full of ups and downs but when I walk put on my Sunday best everything seems not to matter anymore.

Yesterday's church service was particularly good for some reason. I got a lot out of it and took so many notes, it's ridiculous. But I love to take notes at church now. I remember watching my dad take notes and thinking it was so weird. Now I understand.

We had a full house with another family over for dinner and then just hanging out. I love that kind of atmosphere. Unfortunately, I missed a really good opportunity to invite a new friend over for this really scrumptious dinner my sister had made.

Hesitation needs to die. I need to seize more opportunities.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Alright y'all, I seriously LUCKED OUT with my job. I don't know what I did in the past to deserve such a fun and awesome way to earn money. Not many people can say that they love being at work but I know I can. Of course it wouldn't be nearly as fun without all the hilarious people I work with and for.
Some of us on Halloween. We've gained some new blood since this was taken.

I may complain about having to go to work but once I'm in the building I'm in a better mood than I was before I arrived. It never fails.

Recently, I was trained to be a projectionist, you know, those people who start your movies for you? Anyway, there is a LOT more to that job than I thought. Did you know that when a movie is shipped to a theater it isn't even put together? The projectionist builds the movies and makes them ready for viewers.

My first experience building a movie completely solo went less than smoothly. I, of course, made some mistakes. Actually, just one, over and over. Long story, short, I built the movie backwards and realized it just as I was about to finish. I had to go back and redo the entire thing. Took forever. At least I know exactly how to do it now and will have no problems in the future. Edison was right when he said that he never failed in his attempts to create a light bulb, only learned how not to make a light bulb. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Goal Setting

Alright, it's the new year and it's time to set some real and manageable goals for 2012. I'm not into those goals that are wonderful but out of my reach (Walk the beaches of Africa, go swimming with sea turtles, save someone's life.) Nah, I want to set some easier goals, littler ones that I can handle.
So here's the first one,
GET HEALTHY! I recently signed up on Mint.com (a budgeting website) and I realized just how much  money I spend on fast food. I know it isn't good for me and it's eating up my money that I could be spending elsewhere or saving. Exercise is a big part of this goal as well, luckily, my sister is a crazy exercise guru who's got my back. Some mornings she'll wake me up to do Turbo Jam with her.
Second one,
Read the scriptures. I don't just mean a verse here or there but meaningful reading. Marking up the page as I go. That's the way I like it.
Third one,
Get out of my comfort zone. I spend way too much time in this little bubble I've created for myself. I need to practice confidence and put myself out there a little more. Hopefully, I'll meet some more people along the way and add to my wonderful BYU-I experience.
Forth one,
Forget about the hurtful things guys (and girls) have said about me or to me and start living my life for me. Stop worrying so much about pleasing everyone around me.
Haha, a few people will know why I posted this.
Those seem pretty good, I'd think. Now let's see if I actually work at them.

As Yoda once said, in a galaxy far, far away, "Do, or do not, there is no try." What a wise little green fellow.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Uprising

So, this is going on tonight in SLC and you have no idea how bummed I am that I have to miss it! This looks ridiculously fun. Next year, nothing is going to stop me from going to this. And I will be decked out in all white and ready to get painted.

Watching this video has made me wonder about perhaps going into event managing. We'll see I guess.

Have a great weekend, readers!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Coldplay/Mormon Message Mash Up

My sister found this really cool thing today while she was looking for material for her Young Womens' lesson. I thought it was amazing and I totally loved it so I thought I'd share it with you all.

Play both of them at the same time.

I've been lucky in my life, having the priesthood with me every step of the way. Having such an amazing power in my life that I can use to gain insight, comfort, protection, or guidence is such a blessing. Someday, I'm going to meet a man that honors this gift he's been given and I'll be one happy girl.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Here Comes 2012

Happy New Year!!! It's been awhile since I've written anything; life just seems to get in the way of this little hobby alot. But I'm back now. I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas and New Year's Eve.
I've been looking forward to New Year's Eve for a few weeks because I had wanted to go to this party/dance in Orem. As it turns out, I didn't end up going out there. Luckily for me, a good friend of mine asked me to go to Jackson Hole, WY with him, along with some of his friends. It was exactly what I needed. A break from everything. Just sitting there listening to these guys' stories was a perfect way to pass the time on our trip to Jackson.
After we ate, we needed to find a party to crash in order to bring in the new year. We drove around this tiny town, trying to find something...anything. Harrison Ford has a house near this town so we joked about trying to find his house and just walking into one of his parties or something. We got so desperate that we followed a cop and then sat in a parking lot watching as he stopped a random car. Yeah.
Our group in Jackson after dinner.

Eventually we found a party at this ski resort/lodge and...it...was...horrible. There was a band playing that was somewhat talented and maybe 20 people bobbing their heads with a drink in hand scattered about. Pathetic. But we hung around just to watch the wasted people and wander the lodge.
Happy New Year!!