Thursday, September 29, 2011


This week has seriously been a super rough one that has last FOREVER! I had my hair up all day and I just took it down and I looked as crazy as I felt. 

This week, I've felt like I was drowning in homework, work, and my social life. As of right now, I think I'm caught up with all of my school work and after work tonight I'm free for the conference weekend.

A major event this week that almost tipped me over the edge happened just yesterday; I'm not going to elaborate very much on this so pay attention. Remember way back when I told y'all about that person that tore me apart about a year ago? Well, I was nearly over it when I saw him randomly and every hurt feeling and insecurity came flooding back a few days ago. We talked a little bit after I had time to calm down a little bit, but I'm not sure how this happens but I always feel like that bad guy when I talk to this person. I had to literally tell myself, out loud, that I am not the bad guy, I've done nothing wrong. Thankfully, I think I'm to the point where I can just let it all go now. Every time I see this person on campus though, I still get that swooping sensation in the pit of my stomach. Like I just fell down a flight of stairs. I pray every day for more strength to forsake my bitterness and have the courage to let it all go and move on.

Thankfully, this weekend will make up for everything that has happened this week. I'm going to go see my Provo friends again! Ben, Marissa, and Greg you better be ready for this! :) And Marissa found me a ticket to the BYU game this weekend - how awesome is that?! Seriously so excited right now. Conference is also this weekend and we're going to go to Salt Lake City for it. Ahhh I havent' been in so long! This time around I will have some company on the road too, so hopefully I won't have problems with staying awake. Hurray for weekends!! 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

What a wonderful week in the neighborhood :)

One week down of college life. Here are just a few things that have made it an awesome week:

1. My roommates are INSANE! But I love each one of them. We have so much fun every day and sometimes we talk to each other through the vents. I didn't really think that I would spend so much time with my roommates but I always find myself in the living room or kitchen hanging out with them.
2. I love having my own space and room and bed and having no one to answer to. Typical freshman syndrome right? But seriously, I'm digging the independence.
3. The people I've met this week have been so much fun! In a few of my classes I've sat by some real cool guys that I can tell will become my friends very quickly.
4. Work has just been getting better and better now that I'm actually becoming friends with more of the people that I work with. Tonight a few of us are even dressing up like lions because of the release of Lion King.
5. So far my teachers are really chill and very good at what they do. I'm excited to see where my classes take me in the next few weeks.
6. Having guys over for dinner then playing apples to apples..then having a small dance party.
7. Staying up really late just to skype my boys in Provo.
8. Having my friend Cameron pick me up when I had a really horrible morning so that I didn't have to walk all the way home. It was very good Samaritan of him.

There are a ton more reasons but I'm pretty sure you'd get so bored reading them. Just know that I'm totally loving BYU-I and all of the opportunities that it affords me. I don't know how I got so lucky as to room with these amazingly vibrant young women or to meet such awesome people over the past months and week. I love you all!

We tried to get as many people as possible in this picture.

Our dinner was soo yummy.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

6 girls...and only 2 bathrooms

Alrighty, it's official. I'm living in a full apartment with 5 other girls. Don't worry, we have 2 bathrooms and 4 sinks. We're going to live. :) And we all have our own rooms. Though we all get along so well, I don't think it really matters whether or not we have to share a ton. These girls are so freakin awesome, guys!! I don't know how I got so lucky with these ladies. As of yesterday, I'd only known two of the girls that would be living with me and both were way legit but I was still a little apprehensive about the other 3. That small worry was totally unfounded because all three are angels.

I lucked out with having roommates that are all older than me; not by much mind you, but enough to know how things work here at BYU-I. They kinda know tricks and routes and everything else. And they've all got friends that they're hooking me up with - definitely a plus right? I'm so very excited to get to know all of them more and more over the course of this semester. We've already connected so well, and we've only been living with each other for a weekend! It's AWESOME!

Today was my first Sunday in my new student ward and it was spectacular! I needed to get a tithing slip from my bishop and when I asked him for one, he first asked me my name. When I replied with only my first he followed with my last! He knew who I was!! Someone really studied the list of students that would be in the ward. He's a really cool guy, I can tell already that I'm going to love having him as my bishop.

There are not too many attractive males in my ward, but there are some. I can tell I'm going to make some friends for sure though. In sacrament a guy just randomly sat by me and we kinda struck up a conversation but he reminded me of a guy I went on a date with once that totally rubbed me the wrong way and so I really doubt I'll ever be able to get past that haha.

Tomorrow is my first day of college classes....YIKES! I really hope I don't make a fool out of myself in front of too many people. I got my father's blessing (my brother-in-law helped) this evening so I'm confident that everything will work out even if I have a bad first day.  It's such a blessing to have such a gift in my life, a special message from my Father in Heaven that everything will be alright while I'm in school. That I will do well in the things I attempt, as long as I'm living the way I know I should.

Well, all you guys out there that read my little blog, please keep me in your prayers and hearts as I venture into the next great adventure of my life. College.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Here Goes Nothing!

Well, everyone, it's official! I'm a BYU-I student once and for all. I'm writing this from my new apartment, and oh man am I happy. I got my student ID card today, my books, lots and lots and lots of food, everything is all put away and oh dear, I feel so official.Seriously now, I just want to be here all the time cause of feel so cool. I'm a dork I know, but that's okay, I'm a FRESHMAN. That's how I'm supposed to be. I even sat down and started reading some of my textbooks. Yeah.

So this is my room. :) I really love it.

Today, I didn't feel well at all so I didn't really want to do anything besides unpack and make my room look nice so I didn't do any of the Get Connected activities they had going on all day. And I have to work tomorrow so I doubt I'll be able to do anything tomorrow either. Kind of a bummer I know.

I can't wait for classes to start on Monday...but at the same time I'm a little terrified. What if I just can't handle it all and I fail EVERYTHING? How horrible would that be; having to come home with reject written all over you? Ugh. At least I'll have the Lord on my side through it all. Let's just see how these next few days go. Sunday should be a good indication as to whether or not I'll be alright; it's my first with my actual ward! Ahhh so many changes and adjustments. It's going to be a crazy couple of weeks.

Here goes nothing!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Provo? Again?!

Ra, ra, ra-ra-ra, ra, ra, ra-ra-ra, ra, ra, ra-ra-ra, Gooooooooooooooo Cougars! 

Marissa and I at the womens' soccer match.

My crazy cheering partner.
Last weekend, I once again returned to Provo, UT. This time I got to experience some college sports and dang! I loved it! We went to the women's soccer match and guess what? We totally kicked some trash! That's something that kinda bums me out about BYU-I, we don't have sports. But I guess I can just visit Provo for my sports. I even had to invest in a BYU spirit shirt...which I kinda love...I have an affinity for t-shirts. I love wearing a t-shirt and yoga pants more than anything else when I'm just lounging about and now I can add one more to my collection. 

So I had a couple of experiences that, at the time kinda sucked, but looking back are pretty entertaining. and some girls from Marissa's floor got lost in the Timpanogos mountains for about 2 hours trying to find this reservoir to go swimming. When we finally got out of the forest Marissa's roommate pipes up, "Hey do you want to use my map?" Haha. Yeah, she had a map the whole time and only realized it after the fact. By the time we got out of the mountains, it was well past dark and we were all kinda burned out towards the idea of swimming. But it sure is a conversation piece and a fun memory.
Next, my car got booted. Yeah. It sucked a TON! I was kinda freaking out a lot. Cause I didn't have enough money in my account to get it off right then and we needed to go back to the dorms. We had gone to visit a friend from home at his apartment and didn't realize we needed a permit. The fact that we were there until 3 in the morning probably had something to do with it though. Luckily, Garrett (the guy we were visiting) was nice enough to pay for the boot to get removed. Now I know to always check for parking restrictions.

Tunnel singing.
At BYU they do this thing called Tunnel Singing, which is just what it sounds like, singing in a tunnel. It's an amazing experience. So very spiritual. I'm not ashamed to say that I cried a bit. Everyone should experience this...seriously!

At the Provo midnight!

To cap off our super spiritual Sunday, we decided to go to the Provo Temple. Oh man, so beautiful! Not my favorite temple of all time but still so gorgeous. Especially at night. It's all lit up and amazing. And so peaceful. We couldn't go on the grounds because it was midnight but we walked around the perimeter nonetheless.

I also displayed some bravery this trip. Which made me happy.